Where did all the years go? Forty-Four years ago God gave us the commission to start BCCS. That commission and dream is still alive in our hearts today! We look forward to the next 44 years! We know that the God who called us will continue to bless BCCS.
In His Service,
Phyllis Walker and Phillip & Lisa Walker
The goals and purposes are the same. As a Christian school, we present as clearly as possible to our students the truth about God, about life, about our world and everything in it, and the Word of God as the ultimate source of all truth. The Abeka, God-centered curriculum accomplishes this goal. Christ is central to all information taught; that all of life belongs to God and was made for Him. In Science, studying God’s laws. In History, His plan for the ages and redemption of His people. In Literature, to discern what is false as dishonoring to God. In Civics, that true government is ordained of God. To truly learn is to see all of life through the eyes of God as revealed in the Scriptures. These goals produce great students.